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Dominique Casajus

Dominique Casajus

Moret-sur-Loing (77250) France


Dominique Casajus is anthropologist, fellow emeritus at the Institut des Mondes Africains (CNRS, Paris). His work focused mainly on Sahelian Tuaregs. He studied their family and social life, considering in particular the status of women, before approaching their love poetry and their warrior poetry. He later devoted himself to the history of the first contacts between the Tuaregs and the French, which led him to look into the works and destiny of the French explorer Henri Duveyrier and of Charles de Foucauld. He has also been interested in courtly poetry, as well as in debates related to the Homeric question.

Formations complémentaires


Université Paris 7 - Anthropologie

1976 à 1979

La vie familiale et sociale des Touaregs Kel Ferwan (région d'Agadez, Niger) <>

Habilitation à diriger des recherches

Université Paris X-Nanterre - Anthropologie

2006 à 2006

De l'ethnographie des Touaregs à une anthropologie de la littérature orale (

Parcours officiels

Polytechnique – Ingénieur – 1969


Anglais - Courant

Espagnol - Moyen

Latin - Courant

Allemand - Notions

Italien - Moyen

Haoussa - Notions


connaissance Sahara et Sahel