photo de profil d'un membre

David Cortes

David Cortés - Fondateur et Pdt d'AIvidence - IA explicables

Expériences professionnelles

Président - co-fondateur

AI-vidence , Meudon

De Septembre 2020 à Aujourd'hui

Création et développement de la structure

Explicabilité des algorithmes d'IA pour acceptation par tous, et préparer les futurs audits et certifications d'IA

Co-pilote nouveau partenariat public privé

French Tech Corporate Community

Depuis le 01 septembre 2019

Vice president


Depuis le 01 septembre 2019

Directeur data & ia

PWC , Neuilly-sur-seine

De Février 2018 à Décembre 2019

Solution d'audit d'algorithmes (notamment de Data Science / IA)
Structuration de la Data science pour PwC
Lancement de la Chaire XAI4AML avec Télécom Paris et l'ACPR



De Janvier 2006 à Aujourd'hui



De Janvier 2003 à Janvier 2018

o 2013 - 2017 : 'Data' Business Development & Delivery
- Big Data & Data Science - CTO, Head of delivery & partnership - Large French MNO
• Delivered cutting edge marketing indicators for major transportation and retail actors in France and realize additional PoC. Such as:
i. World première for CDG Express Consortium: model, measure and analyse the annual ebb and flow of travellers and employees at Paris Airport.
ii. Marketing indicators for large Transportation Actors (Railways, Highways).
• Managed the team (10 persons across R&D, Data scientists, analysts and architects, geoanalytics, devs).
• Defined technical and functional roadmaps for internal R&D, up to industrialization with a tier (Intersec Group).
• Developed the relationships with Data labs, providers (SAS, IBM, Intersec), start-ups (SystemX, Opendatasoft, WGS, Quartet FS), and statistics specialists (Socio Logiciels, NP6 Group).
- e-SIM and FTTH investment plans - french MNO

o 2008-2012 : Management Consultancy
- 10Y Investment Plan for Telco Systems - RTE
- Cost Cutting for handsets validation team - SFR
- Technical Coordination - AFSCM
- PMO for Buyster launch - SFR
- e-shop and NFC for transportation - KEOLIS
- GPRS opportunities for M2M devices - AIRLIQUIDE

o 2008-2010 : Head of Beijaflore "Contactless" Community
Think tank of 15 consultants building the "IoT, NFC and M2M" Practice, developping market and technical insights and KM.
- IoT, M2M
- 'meshed' networks (802.15.4, Zigbee, 6LowPan, etc.)
Internal conferences with Violet (Nabaztag), Connecthings, Airtag, rapporteur du "Livre Blanc sur l'Internet des Objets" to French Governement

o 2003-2007 : Technical and Management Consultancy
- Tendering Synthesis on IMS, Contractualisation - MNO
- Technical Studies and budget forecast - MNO
- Billing and CRM - process enhancement - Carrier
- WAP and IM, Value-added Services - Technical Engineering - MNO
- Microwave P2P Networks - Technical Engineering, ITT contributor -THALES COM

Formations complémentaires


Télécom ParisTech - Physique

0000 à 2000

Ingénieur de l'Ecole Polytechnique

Master of Science

Universidad Politècnica de Madrid

0000 à 2002

Ingeniero de telecomunicaciones

Data Mining and Application

Stanford University - Data Science

2017 à 2018

“Statistical Learning” - Prof. Robert Tibshirani and Trevor Hastie

o Concepts and tools for machine learning :
Supervised/unsupervised methods, overfitting, bias/variance trade off, maximum of likelihood
o Regression and Classification (linear, multi-linear, Ridge, Lasso, Logistic, K-NN, LDA, QDA...)
o Decision Tree, Random Forest, Boosting, Bagging
o Re-Sampling methods (Cross Validation, Bootstrap...)
o Subset Selection, Shrinkage and Dimension Reduction methods, PCR, PLS
o Non-Linear Models (GAM, Splines,...)
o Unsupervised Learning (Support Vector Machines, PCA, K-Means and Hierarchical Clustering, ...)
o R-coded

"Paradigms for Computing with Data" - Prof. John Chambers and Balasubramanian Narasimhan

o R-Coded Library
o R with Python, C, Java, Hadoop and Spark

Yet to come :
“Neural Networks”
“Artificial Intelligence”

Parcours officiels

Polytechnique – Ingénieur – 1997


Data science, Machi
Data Science, Project Management
Creation d'entreprise

Centres d'intérêt

  • Hand Ball
  • Marathon;Photographie
  • piano