X-UK : Cyanotype discovery workshop with Tom Pope

16 participants et 1 intéressé
La date limite de clôture des inscriptions est passée.

X-UK invites you to an exclusive cyanotype workshop on Saturday 10 February!

Our coordinators will be two renowned artists: Tom Pope, a graduate of the Royal College of Art (RCA), whose cyanotypes are on display in the collections of the National Portrait Gallery, and Victoria Mendrzyk, also a graduate of the RCA.

As well as sharing a convivial moment, this workshop offers a unique practical experience: creating your own works of art - images - unique and striking cyan-blue prints. It involves coating paper with light-sensitive chemicals, placing objects or negatives on the paper and exposing them to sunlight.

You are encouraged to bring any personal objects you wish to print, such as glasses, keys, pressed flowers, or even your own photographic negatives.

When: Saturday 10 February, 11am-1pm; followed by drinks 

Cost: £40/ per person

Where: Battersea Park - 48, Falcon Road SW11 2LR LONDON

To finalise your  registration, please send an email to lelannou@melix.org (if you already have  my Revolut account number, you can transfer the total amount directly with your name as a comment)

Don't miss out on this extraordinary opportunity for a truly unique artistic encounter!"

Georgiana, Christophe & Celine pour X-UK

PS: We encourage you to join our official WhatsApp group, where you can connect with other graduates, keep up to date with alumni events and engage in interesting discussions: https://chat.whatsapp.com/EVFCt8xvVfR9ztOGmNX4F

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Groupes X

Battersea Park

48, Falcon Road SW11 2LR LONDON

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