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Meet in Galilee - Symposium scientifique et festival d'opéra

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Le Groupe X-Israël est heureux de s'associer à nouveau à l'événement exceptionnel "Meet in Galilee", qui regroupe un colloque scientifique sur la médecine du futur et un festival d'opéra consacré à Mozart.

Cette troisième édition aura lieu du 24 au 26 juillet 2022 à Saint-Jean d'Acre et à Tel Aviv.

Résumé ci-après avec dossier de présentation téléchargeable, détails et inscription sur le site www.meetingalilee.com.


Third edition of Meet in Galilee Scientific and Economic Symposium and Opera Festival

Israel July 24-26 2022

July 24, 2022: Scientific and Economic Symposium, Zihron Yaakov Mozart Le Nozze di Figaro, Acre

July 25, 2022: Mozart Don Giovanni, Acre

July 26, 2022: Marc Minkowski Masterclass, Acre
“The Heroines of Mozart” Symposium, Tel Aviv

July 24, 2022: Meet in Galilee in partnership with Imagine Institute, Necker Hospital, is pleased to present the Economic and Scientific symposium, "Medicine of the Future".
The goal of the symposium is to develop long term cooperation between French and Israeli investors, companies, researchers and physicians.
The usage of new technologies and preventive medicine will help curb health care expenditures, which continue to skyrocket over the last decade whilst ensuring quality of care for the patients.

World reknown Marc Minkowski will conduct two of the three major operas born from the collaboration between Mozart and Da Ponte with an exceptional cast.
July 24, 2022: Le Nozze di Figaro
July 25, 2022: Don Giovanni
July 26, 2022: - Marc Minkowski's singing Masterclass
- “The Heroines of Mozart” Symposium A look at the portrayal of women in Mozart's work. Mozart was way ahead of his time in comparison to his contemporaries.

Registration and tickets : www.meetingalilee.com

Press contact: sephora.myara@gmail.com
Phone numbers: +33 1 77 47 90 73  - +972 52 52 71 902

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