AX, an association supporting the École Polytechnique community

AX is the association that brings together former students and graduates of École Polytechnique. Today it has nearly 30,000 alumni throughout the world.

For more than 150 years, it has been helping X students and alumni in difficult circumstances, and building bonds of solidarity and friendship within the École Polytechnique community.

Its core missions:


Creating and maintaining lasting bonds between students and alumni.


Helping fellow classmates and their families in difficult circumstances.


Building a strong and dynamic community by facilitating professional, cultural and geographical groups and organising regular events.


Supporting members throughout their careers and helping them develop their network.


Solidarity Fund

Solidarity is one of the AX’s core missions. This takes the form of support for students and alumni, whether or not they are members of the Association, and their families, at times when they are experiencing financial or emotional difficulties. 

The Solidarity Fund, to which 60% of membership fees are channelled, provides these mutual aid initiatives. 

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AX Careers

Whatever your age or situation, whether you’re a student, working, looking for work or even retired, the AX Careers team is here to listen and help find the right solution for you.

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X groups

A natural extension of the Binets (student associations) or voluntary alumni initiatives, X groups are a way for students and alumni to come together around shared interests: cultural, social, sporting, professional, regional, etc.

X groups can also help fellow alumni settle in a new country or region by providing them with opportunities to meet new friends and business contacts.

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La Jaune et la Rouge

The Association has been publishing its magazine La Jaune et la Rouge since 1948, named after the colours of the School’s odd (yellow) and even (red) class years. Each month, the magazine takes a closer look at one of the major issues facing the world today, and suggests ways forward for the future

Articles are frequently written by well-known authors, including École Polytechnique graduates, scientists, captains of industry and political figures.

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Worldwide network

Are you living or planning to live abroad? Take a look at the list of AX ambassadors and international representatives and join the local community.

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The Association is funded by membership fees. Your support is essential to keep the network thriving!