
 Picto guillemets  Settling my non-recurring and urgent tax liability, being able to continue to own my home and covering the shortfall in my basic income while I waited for a new, much sought-after paid job – these were the three needs I presented to AX.

AX granted me a loan to get me through this difficult period. As soon as my situation improved, I was able to pay back what AX had lent me.

What struck me immediately when I went to ask for help was the approachability of the two classmates who have been devoting their time to Polytechnique community work for years. It was also the relationship of trust that quickly developed between them and me. It was this same trust, also fostered by the camaraderie among X alumni, that meant I could ‘say things’ and share a sometimes difficult truth ‘under X’ (so to speak!).”


Picto guillemets  Towards the end of my third year at X, I fell seriously ill and was hospitalised for several months.

When I eventually recovered, I was faced with the fact that I had lost my link with the School and that I didn’t have a degree.

I got a job as a waiter, then was promoted to head waiter. Financially, that was enough to support me, but emotionally, I regretted not finishing my course at X.

So, I decided to contact AX, where I was given a very warm welcome. They contacted the School and told me that I could get my engineering degree if I met certain academic requirements.

Thanks to the financial help AX gave me, I was able to leave my job as head waiter and complete the third year I’d missed out on.

AX then put me in touch with former student Gérard Malherbe (70), a professional coach and headhunter, who gave me invaluable advice on how to go about finding a job.

I’ve now got my degree and I’m an engineering analyst in a major company.

And it’s all thanks to AX and the Polytechnique community. Without their support and the confidence they had in my ability to complete my degree, I probably wouldn’t have succeeded!”


Picto guillemets  I wanted to do my fourth year in a different French city, but finding accommodation turned out to be quite complicated. They were asking me for a lot of guarantees that I was not in a position to provide. My parents couldn’t act as guarantors because their income wasn’t high enough.

So, I contacted AX because I'd heard they had a housing security deposit service.

After an interview in which I explained my career plan and why I wanted to do my fourth year in this particular town, AX agreed to act as guarantor and I was able to sign my rental contract.

I will always be extremely grateful for their help and support.”