École Polytechnique Groups Charter


Approved groups shall help to bring the Polytechnique community to life and their objectives shall be consistent with those of AX. They shall enjoy the freedom they need to carry out their activities and grow. They must operate in compliance with the Groups Charter approved by the AX Board of Directors.

1. The objectives of the group shall include providing guidance for students and facilitating networking between alumni, in the case of professional groups, and welcoming newcomers, in the case of regional or international groups.


2. The group may be open to members who are not École Polytechnique alumni, but the largest proportion of its members must be École Polytechnique alumni, and at least one third of its members must include at least ten members who are up to date with their AX membership fees. The group must ensure that the majority of Polytechnique members are fee-paying members.


3. At least half of the École Polytechnique graduates on a group’s committee must have paid their AX membership fees.


4. The group’s operating rules and articles of association, if set up as an independent association, must be set out in writing. In particular, they must state how the members of the group’s committee are elected and whether membership fees are payable. The chair or a member of the committee, by delegation, shall be the group’s permanent point of contact with the AX Executive Management Team. The group’s head office may be that of AX, but the administrative office must be the home address of a member of the group’s committee.


To ensure the group’s committee is regularly refreshed, it is recommended that the term of office of committee members be limited to three years, renewable only once (indefinitely for class-year groups).


5. The group shall have:

  • access to management and communication tools provided by AX on its website
  • guaranteed visibility on AX tools, including:
  • an announcement when the group is formed
  • a brief description (committee, number of members, number of events in the year) on the AX website and in the printed directory, which it undertakes to update annually
  • if the group can afford it, a short video presentation on the AX website
  • the facility to post its events automatically, announced via the calendar on the home page of the AX or X.org website
  • the opportunity to publish articles or features in La Jaune et la Rouge magazine
  • on request, access to an online payment tool and cash management (income and expenditure) linked to the Association’s accounts
  • access to the X groups’ forum on the AX website
  • free-of-charge meeting facilities at AX head office, and paid-for meeting facilities at the Maison des Polytechniciens at preferential rates.


6. The group shall use the tools made available by AX for its communications, if possible with a brand style and logo consistent with that of AX, all of which shall contribute to the community’s positive brand image. If the group has its own blog or website, it must link to the AX website.


7. The group shall send AX a list of its members and a brief report on its activities each year if this information is not available directly from the reporting tools on the AX website. AX may withdraw its approval from a group that does not comply with this Charter.


8. The group shall organise events, for which AX recommends charging a different fee depending on whether the attendee is an AX member. A group shall not be entitled to represent AX or to take a position on its behalf; it shall submit to AX any draft external communication that might affect the École Polytechnique community. It shall refrain from taking any position of a political or religious nature and from engaging in any commercial or profit-making activity.