Buddy Programme for international students

École polytechnique is firmly committed to internationalisation.

Each year, the school has around 500 students in its classes, including around one hundred international students:

  • some come from the traditional classes préparatoires curriculum
  • the majority of other students enter through competitive entrance examinations open to French and foreign universities
  • a wide range of nationalities: Brazil, Cambodia, China, Chile, India, Italy, Peru, Russia, Senegal, Singapore, Vietnam, United States, etc.

Since 2005, AX has been organising the Buddy Programme for international students.

The Buddy Programme links incoming international students with local Polytechnique Alumni. The programme provides friendly support to students, especially just after they arrive at L’X. This helps them to get to know the local community and to take part in an intercultural cultural exchange.

The alumnus buddy makes a one-year commitment to a student to help them become more familiar with the host country, its culture and language, through meetings, visits, outings and weekends. The former student provides support when needed (looking for work placements, advice on career plans, etc.), maintains regular contact with the student, listens to them and offers support when needed. More broadly, the aim is to contribute to the development of an international network of alumni, supporting the development of existing or future X groups in different parts of the world.

Every year, international students express overwhelming interest in the operation.

My buddy, Thérèse, X98, and her husband welcomed me to their home a few weekends and I always had the opportunity to discover a new dish from French cuisine, or to practise my French. We had pleasant conversations, which gave me a little more insight into the particularities of life in a French house, which would be impossible if I always stayed on campus. I know I can count on them if I need it. And my parents are very grateful for that: it gives them peace of mind. (João Felipe Cabral Moraes, Brazilian X2010)

We're very happy to have Mykola around and to introduce him to both our way of life and all the slightly unusual sites close to home. Mykola talks to us about life in Ukraine, how society is changing and so on. For us, who lived in Poland for several years and love Slavic culture, these are very interesting discussions. Mykola also gives me the opportunity to go back over the École polytechnique programmes, and I can see how much they've changed! I think we'll be keeping in touch for the long term. (Emmanuel Chautard, X88, alumna buddy of Mykola Kozlenko, Ukrainian X2010)

> If you would like to support an international student, please contact Frédéric de Dinechin X86, coordinator of the buddy programme.