
The Solidarity Fund offers various services to students, former students and graduates of École Polytechnique experiencing financial or emotional difficulties, as well as to their families or friends in similar circumstances.

Bank guarantees for certain loans

Crédit X-Mines, one of the founders of which is AX, can act as guarantor for mortgages, student loans and personal loans.

For more information on housing security deposits and loans, please contact:

Yves Stierlé (X65)

+33 06 80 35 36 33


The Solidarity Fund works together with AX Careers to offer a personalised service to alumni at the start of their career, when changing jobs or looking for work.

AX is co-founder – with alumni associations from HEC, Centrale, ENSAE and – of the WATs4U (World Alumni Talents for You) network, a powerful tool for your career development. 

> Find out more about AX Careers

For careers advice and support, please contact

Post-Platâl Psychological Support

Two psychologists are on standby duty at AX for fourth-year students.

Former École Polytechnique students and graduates supported by the Solidarity Fund may also benefit from psychological counselling.

Administrative and welfare support

If you are experiencing administrative, financial or personal difficulties, the AX welfare officer can help you assess your problem and help you find possible solutions.

Here are a few examples of situations the welfare officer can help you with:

  • Preparing your application for a survivor’s pension;
  • Retirement;
  • Preparing applications for welfare benefits (APL, CMU, CMU-C, RSA, etc.);
  • Referrals to government welfare bodies.

This is only a partial list of the kinds of things for which you can request AX welfare support.


If you would like to discuss your situation, please contact:

Dominique Rousselet

+33 07 87 26 35 83

Death insurance (CNP)

Death or illness leading to total loss of independence is often a very difficult experience for the victim’s family to cope with.

With this in mind, AX has negotiated a specially designed death insurance policy with CNP for Polytechnique alumni. The policy can be tailored to suit different professional situations, such as executives with no company insurance cover, civil servants with limited cover and entrepreneurs with no cover.

All École Polytechnique AX members (an express condition of the policy) and their partners qualify for cover under this group death and disability insurance policy.


Part of the variable commission on this policy is paid back to AX each year, to help finance the support provided by the Solidarity Fund, such as buying a specialised wheelchair and paying the school fees of children who have lost one of their parents.


Please contact Sylvie Clairefond for further information:

+33 06 43 11 91 66