One network, many services

As an École Polytechnique alumnus you have access to an exclusive range of resources and benefits, including our online directory, career tools and financial services.


Networking tools

You first need to open an account at to unlock the network’s services and benefits. Designed as a hub for X alumni and students, it provides you with a unique, trusted networking experience through an online directory with multi-criteria search (by job, sector, country, etc.) and a lifetime email address, all with guaranteed security and confidentiality.

>> Find out more about how to log in


AX Careers

AX Careers is the AX department responsible for providing careers advice to the Polytechnique community.

Whether you are a student, recent graduate, senior executive, manager or expert, you are welcome to visit us in a impartial, friendly and confidential environment.

>> Find out more


Housing security deposit

When renting accommodation, AX can act as guarantor for students in their fourth year or on placement and for whom the School is not providing accommodation, or for alumni who do not qualify for secure tenancy arrangements and have no family or friends to act as guarantor.

Please contact Yves Stierlé (X65) for further information: 

Crédit X-Mines

Crédit X-Mines offers alumni of the Grandes Écoles of Engineering special deals including preferential terms on loans and other financial services. You can take advantage of the Crédit X-Mines guarantee when you buy your main or second home, purchase consumer goods or incur exceptional expenses.

Please contact Yves Stierlé (X65) for further information:

Death insurance (CNP)

In partnership with CNP Assurances, AX is able to offer you a group death insurance policy at very competitive rates.

The policy can be tailored to suit different professional situations, such as executives with no company insurance cover, civil servants with limited cover and entrepreneurs with no cover.

For more information, please contact Sylvie Clairefond:

+33 06 43 11 91 66


The School’s resources

The Association is also your gateway to interesting opportunities for lifelong learning at École Polytechnique, including more in-depth study of specific subjects through e-learning modules, entrepreneurship training, Executive Education programmes and a series of trips and meetings with other alumni associations. 


Rooms for your meetings

A meeting room at AX head office (12 rue de Poitiers, 75007 Paris) is available for your events, meetings and appointments.

>> For more information, please contact Sylvie Clairefond:

+33 06 43 11 91 66

On the École Polytechnique campus in Palaiseau, AX provides students and alumni with a room equipped with an internet connection and videoconferencing facilities.

>> To request information about the AX room in Palaiseau, please contact 


La Maison des Polytechniciens, in its prestigious setting in the heart of Paris, will be delighted to welcome you and your nearest and dearest to its restaurant or private rooms for your business, personal or family events, at preferential rates.

>> Make a reservation at the Maison des Polytechniciens