About Whats4u

Whats4u, of which the AX is a founding member, is a collective of 18 alumni associations from prestigious grandes écoles*.

Whats4u exists to facilitate the professional development of our schools' alumni. To do this, we work together to organise events that enable direct and informal exchanges between recruiters and alumni. We are now pooling the job offers received by Whats4u and by each of the associations that are part of this collective.

Whats4u is also developing partnerships around themes such as international mobility (GoinGlobal) or lifelong learning (Whats4u Lifelong Learning).

PLEASE NOTE: when you post a vacancy on the AX website, you can choose to publish it only on the Polytechnique network, by ticking the "publish only on the network" box, or to share it with the other Whats4u network associations, by leaving the box unticked.

> For more information: www.whats4u.org 

*List of member schools:

Arts et Métiers // CentraleSupélec // Ecole Centrale Lille // Ecole Centrale Lyon // École des Mines Nancy // Mines Paris - PSL // Ecole des Mines Saint Etienne // École Polytechnique // École des Ponts ParisTech // EDHEC Business School // emlyon business school // ENA-INSP // ESCP // ESSEC // HEC Paris // KEDGE // AFLZ Polytechnique Lausanne Zürich // SciencesPo