AX Solidarity Fund (Caisse de solidarité de l’AX)

Solidarity is one of the AX’s core missions. This takes the form of support for students and alumni, whether or not they are members of the Association, and their families, at times when they are experiencing financial or emotional difficulties.

Organisational structure

The Solidarity Fund’s decision-making body is the management committee, which is chaired by an AX vice president and made up of volunteer rapporteurs from École Polytechnique and representatives of the AX Executive Management Team. This committee is governed by a confidentiality charter. 

The committee meets quarterly to review requests for aid: exceptional or regular assistance, loans and grants for certain organisations. It defines the criteria used to make aid decisions. It makes decisions and ratifies urgent requests granted during the quarter.

The role of rapporteurs is essential; they are the link between the people who apply for assistance from the Solidarity Fund and the École Polytechnique community. This link, for widows, widowers and alumni in difficult circumstances, is the tangible, ongoing show of solidarity.

How the Fund works

Day-to-day operations are carried out by the Executive Director or his deputy, his personal assistant and the Welfare Officer. They are always on hand to analyse cases in detail and respond quickly to requests. A rapporteur is appointed in the most complex cases. Together they draw up an action plan that may address several aspects:


  • Support for returning to work
  • Information on state benefits and allowances that may be available
  • Financial assistance from AX in the form of an interest-free welfare loan or grant.


In addition to financial assistance, members of the Solidarity Fund also provide psychological support, as the people who turn to them are often going through emotional, social or work-related trauma.

The Fund has a network of contacts who can provide assistance on specific issues as required:


  • Consultation with a psychologist
  • Assistance with calculating pensions
  • Legal aid
  • Notarial advice
  • Coaching in collaboration with the careers office
  • Assistance from an association that helps widows and widowers
  • Assistance from a palliative care association.


Contact the Solidarity Fund: