Mentoring programme for alumni

Mentoring Alumni

The success of any career path is often down to being well prepared to make the right decisions, by getting as much information as possible and taking advice from those around you. The Association's mentoring programme offers all former students the support they need to get through the phases of professional transition and prepare themselves to make the right decisions.

Who is the programme aimed at?

The mentoring programme is aimed at any former student of L'X who is thinking about their professional project and would like to meet regularly with an experienced colleague to help them progress in their career.

The person being supported may or may not be in post. The mentor is an alumnus or alumna with 5 to 10 years' additional experience in the position targeted by the person being mentored, strong business and sector expertise, and solid advisory skills. The person being coached chooses their coach, with the help of AX Careers, which facilitates the matching process.

What is the aim of the programme?

The mentoring programme aims to advise and coach the person being mentored in their professional development, by working on a specific career issue. By sharing their personal experience, mentors contribute to the professional development of their peers.

What topics can be covered during the programme?

Before embarking on the programme, it is important to know what you are going to do and what you can expect from it. Several themes have been considered: choosing your first job, preparing for a change of job/promotion, successfully taking up a new position/international mobility, optimising your job search.

How does the programme work?

Mentoring takes place :

  • through a series of one-hour individual interviews,
  • over a period of 3 to 6 months, depending on the objectives set at the outset by the pair,
  • via various means of communication: face-to-face, telephone, e-mail, Skype.

 The mentoring programme is provided free of charge by fellow volunteers.

Download the charter of commitments

> Join the LinkedIn X-Mentoring group (tips for successful mentoring/preparing sessions, sharing experience and best practice).


Interested in becoming a mentor or mentee? Write to