Mentoring programme for students

Mentoring pour les élèves

Are you in your second year at L'X and feel the need to be enlightened and challenged as you think about your future and your plans? 

Do you have some initial professional experience (10 years or so) and would you like to accompany a student step by step, give them the benefit of certain experiences in a mirror position, help them consider out-of-the-box options or, more broadly, pass on and share the things of life?

Join the student-alumni mentoring programme as a mentor or mentee!


A monthly meeting for a year, from the start of 2A until the 4A orientation decision taken at the start of 3A.

Physical meetings are preferable, but not systematic, as the N+10 mentor is often in the provinces or abroad.


Listen to the student as they are at the start of 2A (1st meeting), explore their tastes and aptitudes as well as their personal attachments, help them to imagine their professional future, open up the field of possibilities (careers, sectors, types of company), choose their path at school (2A work placement, 3A specialisation, 4A activity), learn from the experiences they have had during their studies, compare their dreams with the realities of the market, find the right information and expand their network (particularly within the Polytechnic community).

Would you like to become a mentor? Contact Jérôme de Dinechin X84.